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Churn: definition

11 July 2024

Churn is a key metric in business, particularly for businesses based on subscriptions or recurring services. Understanding this concept is essential for any business wishing to improve customer loyalty and optimize its growth strategy. In this article, we will explore the definition of churn and its issues, while providing you with ideas for reducing this phenomenon.

Definition of Churn

Churn, in simple terms, is the percentage of customers or subscribers who stop using a company's services over a period of time. It can be calculated in different ways, but the basic formula is:

Churn rate = (Number of customers lost during a period / Number of customers at the start of the period)x100

For example, if a business starts the month with 1000 subscribers and loses 50 during that month, the churn rate is 5%.

Why is churn important ?

  1. Impact on revenue
    A high churn rate means the business is losing a significant number of customers, which translates into a decrease in recurring revenue. For subscription-based businesses, each lost customer represents not only an immediate loss of revenue, but also a potential loss of future revenue.
  2. Customer acquisition costs
    Acquiring new customers is often more expensive than retaining existing ones. Businesses usually spend a lot on marketing and advertising to attract new customers. A high churn rate can therefore lead to increased customer acquisition costs, making these expenses less profitable.
  3. Reputation and customer satisfaction
    A high churn rate can also indicate general dissatisfaction among customers. Unsatisfied customers are more likely to share their bad experiences, which can damage the company's reputation and deter potential new customers.
  4. Analysis and improvement of products/services
    Churn can serve as a wake-up call for businesses, prompting them to review and improve their products or services. Understanding why customers leave allows us to better meet their expectations and evolve the offer accordingly.

How to reduce churn?

  1. Improve the customer experience
    Providing an excellent customer experience is essential. This includes quality customer support, intuitive user interfaces, and rapid response to customer concerns.
  2. Personalize services
    Personalizing services can help retain customers by providing experiences tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Loyalty programs and personalized offers are effective examples of this strategy.
  3. Monitor and analyze data
    Analyzing customer data helps identify early signs of churn. Companies can therefore act proactively by contacting at-risk customers and offering them appropriate solutions.
  4. Communicate regularly
    Regular communication with customers helps maintain a strong relationship and keeps them informed of new developments and improvements. Newsletters, satisfaction surveys and social media interactions are effective ways to stay in touch.
  5. Offer incentives
    Incentives like discounts, promotions or bonuses for long-term subscriptions can encourage customers to stay loyal for longer.


Understanding and managing churn is essential to the health and growth of a business. By carefully monitoring this rate and implementing effective strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, businesses can not only reduce churn but also create long-lasting and thriving customer relationships. Adopt these strategies and see a significant improvement in your customer retention.