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Customer Effort Score: definition, calculation and challenges

14 June 2024

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a key performance metric for measuring customer satisfaction by assessing the ease with which they can interact with a business. In this article, we'll explore in detail what Customer Effort Score is, how it works, and why it's important to improve customer experience.

What is Customer Effort Score (CES)?

The Customer Effort Score is a relatively new metric, first introduced in 2010 in the Harvard Business Review. Its objective is to measure the effort that a customer must make throughout their purchasing journey.

Customer Effort Score is a metric that helps determine the level of effort customers must expend to achieve a given task with a company. This may include interactions such as resolving a customer service issue, placing an order, or finding specific information on a website. CES is typically measured using a simple question asked to customers after their interaction:

“On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means very easy and 5 means very difficult, how easy was it for you to solve your problem today?”

Why is Customer Effort Score important?

  1. Customer Loyalty Prediction: Studies show that customers are more likely to stay loyal to a business that provides them with effortless interactions. Low CES is often associated with high customer satisfaction and better retention.

  2. Cost Reduction: By identifying and eliminating friction points in customer interactions, businesses can reduce the number of repeat contacts and costs associated with customer service.

  3. Improved Customer Experience: CES provides valuable insights into which aspects of processes require improvement. By focusing on reducing customer effort, businesses can create a smoother, more enjoyable user experience.

How to measure and interpret the Customer Effort Score?

To measure Customer Effort Score, businesses can integrate CES surveys into their customer touchpoints, such as post-interaction follow-up emails or website pop-ups. Here are the steps to setting up an effective CES survey:

  1. Timing: Send the survey soon after the interaction to get relevant and fresh responses.

  2. Questionnaire: Use a clear and concise question. For example: “How easily did you solve your problem today?”

  3. Rating Scale: Use a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, where low scores indicate little effort and high scores indicate high effort.

Results interpretation

  • Low score (1-2): Customers find the interaction very easy, which is a good indicator of satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Average score (3-4): There are opportunities for improvement. Businesses should analyze friction points to reduce them.

  • High score (5-7): Customers find interaction difficult, which can lead to frustration and loss of loyalty. Corrective actions are necessary.

Strategies to improve Customer Effort Score

  1. Process Optimization: Simplify customer service processes and user journeys to make interactions smoother.

  2. Staff Training: Make sure employees are well-trained to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

  3. Use of technology: Implement tools like chatbots and self-service systems to help customers resolve their issues with less effort.

  4. Regular feedback analysis: Use customer feedback to identify trends and make continuous improvements.


Customer Effort Score is a powerful metric for understanding and improving customer experience. By reducing the effort required to interact with a business, organizations can not only improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also optimize their operational costs. By integrating CES into their customer experience management strategy, businesses can ensure they are effectively meeting the needs of their customers, while differentiating themselves from the competition.

By focusing on ease of interaction, businesses can transform ordinary customer experiences into exceptional ones, strengthening their position in the market.