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How to Conduct an Effective AdWords Audit to Optimize Your Campaigns

25 September 2024

An AdWords audit is an essential step in evaluating and optimizing your advertising campaigns on Google Ads. This exercise allows you to identify weak points, maximize your return on investment (ROI), and improve the overall performance of your paid ads. In this article, we will guide you step by step to carry out an effective AdWords audit.

What is an AdWords audit?

An AdWords audit consists of analyzing your Google Ads campaigns in depth to identify what is working well and what could be improved. This involves examining various elements such as keywords, ads, extensions, bids, and targeting. The goal is to optimize each aspect to achieve your business goals while minimizing costs.

Why carry out an AdWords audit?

There are several benefits to conducting an AdWords audit:

  • Improve performance: Identify top-performing campaigns and keywords to focus your efforts where they matter most.
  • Reduce costs: Identify wasteful spend and adjust bids for better budget allocation.
  • Better targeting: Refine your audience to reach the right users at the right time.
  • Increase ROI: Optimize conversions to maximize the return on investment of your campaigns.

Key steps to conducting an AdWords audit

  1. Analyze campaign goals

Before diving into the details, it’s essential to understand your campaign goals. What are you trying to accomplish? Increase sales, generate leads, or increase traffic? Make sure each campaign is aligned with a clear, measurable goal.

  1. Review account settings

Start by reviewing your Google Ads account settings. Ensure that campaign and ad group structure makes sense and aligns with your business goals. Analyze location, language, and device targeting settings to ensure they are optimized to reach your audience.

  1. Keyword Evaluation

Keywords are at the heart of any AdWords campaign. To effectively audit:

  • Analyze relevance: Ensure that the keywords you choose are directly related to your products or services.
  • Check keyword matches: Use broad, exact, and phrase matches as needed.
  • Identify negative keywords: Identify terms that trigger your ads but don’t convert to exclude them.
  1. Ad Analytics

For each ad group, review ad performance:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): Compare the CTR of each ad to identify the best performers.
  • Ad relevance: Make sure each ad is relevant to the keywords in the ad group.
  • A/B testing: Run A/B tests to experiment with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action.
  1. Using ad extensions

Ad extensions can significantly improve viewability and click-through rates. Consider:

  • Site link extensions: Direct users to specific pages.
  • Call extensions: Add a phone number for direct contact.
  • Promotion extensions: Highlight special offers to drive more clicks.
  1. Bid and Budget Analysis

Review bidding strategies and budget allocation for each campaign. Evaluate whether cost per click (CPC) is in line with your budget and goals. Adjust bids to maximize conversions while controlling spend.

  1. Conversion Tracking and Measurement

An AdWords audit wouldn’t be complete without a thorough conversion analysis. Ensure that conversion tracking is set up correctly and that important actions (purchases, form completions, calls) are being recorded.

  1. Performance Reporting and Analysis

Finalize your audit with a detailed report on your campaigns’ overall performance. Use the data to recommend specific actions such as adjusting bids, adding new keywords, or redesigning ads.


Conducting an AdWords audit is essential for any business looking to optimize its online marketing efforts. By following the steps detailed in this article, you will be able to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to maximize your ROI. Don't neglect this regular exercise to stay competitive and get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns.